Earlier today, Apple unveiled its latest lineup of iPhones and Watches. Following that, it also announced the release date of this year’s software updates for its devices. iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10 will all start rolling out to compatible devices next Tuesday, 19 September. Meanwhile, macOS Sonoma is coming to Macs on 27 September.
iOS 17 will bring a laundry list of new features with most of them focusing on improving how Apple ecosystem users interact with each other. Some of the most exciting features include NameDrop and Contact Posters, which let you create a custom poster of yourself and share contact info with other users by just bumping iPhones.
In Messages, you can view their location right in the app if they’ve sent it to you and there is even a Check In tool that will automatically notify your friends or family when you’ve arrived at your destination so you can keep them updated more easily. The app will also provide a transcription for any voice messages.
Additionally, there are some features that won’t be available yet when the updates rolls out, but will be coming later this year. This includes the Journal app, enhanced PDF autofills, internet AirDrop transfers, and playlist collaboration. To see some of the other interesting upcoming features, check out our roundup of iOS 17.
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